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Updated: Jun 15

Another 90s album I’ve bought again, and another classic. I know Crowded House get a bad rap for being the type of music liked by dreary, middle-aged men but I genuinely believe Neil Finn, lead singer and main songwriter, is a master of his craft and that ‘Woodface’ is a slice of pop perfection.

I remember the furore over the first single, ‘Chocolate Cake’ with its seemingly anti-American lyric, which meant it didn’t get as much airplay in the US as it possibly should have. No doubt this hurt sales on the other side of the pond, always struck me as a curious decision to release it.

You know all the other singles released from the LP, ‘Fall at Your Feet’, ‘It's Only Natural’ and ‘Four Seasons in One Day’ - each is cracking in my humble opinion. Not even hearing ‘Weather With You’ a million times on the radio over the years has dulled my love for it.

The album tracks are as strong as the singles I reckon. I love the likes of ‘Tall Trees’, ’There Goes God’, and ’Fame Is’ plus I’m genuinely baffled that ‘Whispers And Moans’ was never released, I would have put that out instead of ‘Chocolate Cake’.

‘And She Goes On’ always gives me a lump in my throat, a beautiful song written about the death of one of Finn’s mother. It is so well done that it sounds like a love song rather than a tribute to someone missed.

I don’t care if I haemorrhage cool points for loving this record, it is genuinely one of my favourite albums of the '90s. If that makes me a dreary, middle-aged man then I’m happy to own that. If you want to own it too, the vinyl is available all over the place for about £28.

Tracks To Try: Any of them.


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