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Updated: Jun 15, 2024

It’s Friday, had a pretty hectic week so it is time for something familiar, something I can play loud, something I love, cue ‘Kick’ by INXS.

You probably know all there is to know about this record but for me it holds a special place in my heart as it was one of the first CDs I got way back in 1988. Michael Hutchence was my first rock hero, the coolest mofo on the planet to me at the time.

If you read my review of ‘Stop Making Sense’, I mentioned that a friend gifted me a big box of records and the Talking Heads record was in the middle of it. So was this worldy. I know, how lucky am I, right?

This album also features the first record I ever bought; ‘Mystify’ (on 12” with a boss remix of ‘Need You Tonight’ on the b side by Ben Leibrand too). Great memories of blasting it on my Philips stack system over and over!

This is my favourite INXS album even though I have a lot of time for ‘X’, ‘Welcome To Wherever You Are’ (which I bought not that long ago, will need to give that a spin soon) and ‘Listen Like Thieves’.

I could happily listen to this on repeat, it is a real time and a place album. I only have to hear the song ‘Kick’ and I'm transported by to my bedroom, jumping around like a loon playing air saxophone!!! I'm cringing just writing that...

If you fancy picking up an original pressing of this album there are loads on eBay for about a tenner delivered.

Tracks To Try: ‘New Sensation’, ‘Devil Inside’, ‘Need You Tonight’, ‘Mediate’, ‘Wild Life’, ‘Never Tear Us Apart’, ‘Mystify’, ‘Kick’.


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