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Do you have $500 knocking about and want to freak out friends, family, and enemies alike? Why not buy a lifesized M3GAN replica? This exacting 1:1 replica of the twisted robot doll from the film of the same name is now avaialbe to buy.

The Model 3 Generative Android (M3GAN) has been crafted with unparalleled precision, meticulously recreated from the digital files used in the film. From the articulated inner armature to the movable eyes and synthetic hair, this level of detail ensures an astonishing level of authenticity, making you feel like you're holding the real thing.

Standing at an impressive 55 inches tall, this remarkable replica can be a cherished addition to any family...and can freak the life out of any burglar that gets inside your home.

Fancy owning your very own murderous doll? Click on the image below to be whisked to the NECA website.



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